Going Cold Turkey on all Liquids Except Water and Tea

A few months ago when I went cold turkey on coffee, my goal was not to eliminate caffeine altogether, just black coffee. Many people who learned of my quitting coffee were confused when they saw me drinking a soy latte (which contains expresso), so I had to explain to them the difference between black coffee and coffee diluted in soy milk. As much a I love coffee (yes, love, not loved; I still love coffee!), I have suppressed all the urges (as ridiculously strong as they may have been) and my mouth has not seen a single cup of black coffee in over four months!

Although I did not quit black coffee to eliminate all caffeine from my diet, the negative side effects of high caffeine consumption that I was experiencing from drinking lots of black coffee was my main motivation. However, the past few weeks I have unconsciously been increasing the number of lattes I drink, thereby increasing my caffeine intake, increasing the negative side effects that I originally quit black coffee to avoid, and decreasing the money in my wallet.

So today I decided I'm going cold turkey on all liquids except water and tea (and possibly soy milk for protein shakes), until at least the end of the year. I really need to escape this caffeine addiction (yes, it's addiction, no matter how much I don't want to admit it). It's ridiculous, unnecessary, and costing me way too much money. I quit black coffee, so this should be easy.

Why drink more tea?

OK, tea is too bland for me too. Once you've had black coffee and learned to enjoy its complex flavor, it's hard to drink any kind of tea. However, I understand the huge health benefits of Green Tea and most of what I eat and drink is aimed directly at maintaining my health. I've developed a habit of checking the nutritional content of everything I eat, preferably before I eat it, and some food's nutritional content I even have memorized! It's amazing how profound an effect certain foods can have on your body. The healthier your body the better and more noticeable the effects of healthy foods are.

For example, I've been having digestion problems for the past 6 months. I read that ginger is excellent for helping digestion so I ordered some Ginger Honey Crystal tea from Prince of Peace. Empty a packet in a cup, add hot water, mix and drink! It tastes awesome (unless you hate ginger) and I couldn't believe how much it helped my digestion. I've made it a habit to drink a cup almost every day (in the afternoon, when my body seems to need the most help digesting).

A few days ago I was in Starbucks and I saw a new tea for sale. Tazo Green Ginger. I had to try it. It combines the digestion benefits of ginger and the antioxidant benefits of green tea. I was surprised it tasted as good as it did. The plain Tazo green tea wasn't that great, so I wasn't expecting much, but the ginger helps to dull the bitter taste of the green tea, and almost tastes sweet!

My second cup this morning,

Tazo Green Ginger