Avant Browser Review

Well I decided to give Avant Browser a review on Download.com. I use Avant browser on all my Windows PCs and I wish there was a way to use it on Linux. Anyway, I'm not sure if my review will be approved and posted, (probably not becuase it's so long, lol) but here it is anyway:


Avant browser is a must have for any Microsoft Windows user. In my opinion, Avant browser should be included with Windows!! There are so many excellent features to Avant browser I wouldn’t even be able to list them all here.

All of the toolbars can be customized. You can choose which buttons to show, where to show them, and even change the position of the toolbar. You can even customize the menu bar! The default layout for the toolbar's, when you first download and install Avant, is not pretty at all, so I would highly recommend spending some time making it just the way you like it.

Here is my setup: I have all my Tabs at the bottom, and just one single row at the top that contains the following buttons: Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, and then the address bar, then the search bar (Google), then most used menu items: File, Favorites, and Tools. Lastly, there is the Close button that closes the current page. All those on just one single line at the top!

Avant browser's Popup Blocker is very effective. When it accidentally blocks a popup window that I want to pop up, I simply turn off the feature with 2 clicks of the mouse.

I have been using Avant browser for the past 8 months and I love it. I've installed it on all the computers in my workplace, and several of my friend’s computers. Once they understand the concept of tabs, everything else is the same as using IE to them.

Avant browser can be configured to remain open when you close the main window. An Avant icon appears in your system tray. Once you click a link somewhere (in an instant message for example) Avant browser will open the link in a new tab without having to load a whole new instance of the web browser. This feature also keeps your task bar clean. I tend to have several websites open at any given time, so this is a must for me.

I have tried several other browsers that support tabbed browsing, but you just cannot beat the compatibility with IE that most sites have. Avant browser simply uses the existing Internet Explorer that comes with Windows, but it decorates and manages IE’s windows so they are more useful.

If you haven’t tried Avant browser yet, download it now! After spending some time configuring it just the way you like, you can copy your settings from one computer to another by copying the abrowser.ini file.

I would rate Avant browser 10 out of 10 points, and I plan to donate some money just because I love using it so much.