How to make drinking water a lot easier

Last year, I wrote a lengthly post about why its so necessary to drink more water. Drinking water isn't really a problem for me, its simply remembering to drink it.

I discovered that if you simply always have a bottle of water on your desk, or within reach of where you work, it will require nothing more than the thought "I could use some water" to grab your water bottle and drink some water (maybe even leave the cap off!). But if you have to get up and walk somewhere just to get some water, you're a lot less likely to do it.

I like to buy a single 1.5 liter Poland Spring bottle of water and simply make sure I refill it once during the day. That means I'll get at least 100oz of water per day. At the end of the week, I toss out the bottle and buy a new one (reusing the bottle too many times can eventually cause toxins in the plastic to release into the water).

Drink up; you seriously need it!

Drink more water.

Do it.

Our body is made of mostly water. But you knew that already, great. Have you thought about the role that water plays in keeping our body functioning? Without water, we wouldn't exist. I'd say that makes us water-creatures, wouldn't you? Sure, we don't live in water, but we can't venture far from it or else we wouldn't survive. All the functions of our body, from the creation of new cells (which by the way, are constantly dying and being replaced) to the transport of nutrients, to the function of our brain and flow of our blood. Everything that goes on in our body needs water to work the way it should. Continue reading