MySQL Query for Free Time

SELECT * FROM life WHERE free_time > 0;
MySQL returned 1 row(s). (Query used the remaining 0.0001 seconds of your free time)

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  1. You got a script for sleep? And one that will keep my wife from kneeing me in the back when she’s asleep? Actually the last one will take care of the first one. Last night was horrible, think she knee’d me 3 times.

  2. rofl… I’ll let you know the results tonight. If I change “wife” to “dog” will that work for the Bichon? Reason asking he sleeps in our bed sometimes, and last night I woke up because he was licking my knee. Then after I got him to stop, I got knee’d.

  3. 😕 So…. when you do something to yourself, you gonna shout, “I did a DJT”.

    Thinks me shared a lil too much sometimes…. 😕 oh well…. speaking of…. someone (not me) stunk up the dealership.

    reCaptcha – infiltrate Ford – how they know I work at a Ford Dealer?