Say More

When you say more, you underemphasize less.

You may not be heard clearly, but you will be heard.

Ideas will grow wings.

Knowledge will plant roots.

Your voice will shape the future.

Saying more increases our potential to emphasis what matters. Saying less reduces our potential to change the world; it spoils our creative genius and lays ruin to our inner brilliance.

Sporadic communication is indifferent.

Recurring communication is powerful.

You can reduce risk by saying less: fewer mistakes will be made and less attrition will occur. It's easy to come across as interesting, persuasive, or even eloquent when you're quiet. But until you empty yourself of that which needs growth, you cannot cultivate an environment from which growth spurts.

You don't need to speak at a conference every month or publish 1,000 words every day. One thought. One paragraph every morning compiled and shared once a week. One spoken sentence when you feel passionately.

Say less but say more. Somewhere, there is someone who needs to hear you.

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  1. Hi Raam,
    You were right in your other article “Say Less” and again you are right with this post as well 🙂

    I feel we can modulate the whole process as “Speak Less, Say More’

    Have a great day and continue writing inspiring thoughts.

  2. I try to follow the essence of Haiku in my communications.

    A diamond cutter calculates his cuts to arrive at the best arrangement of facets, its an art.


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