Words are Clay

Words are clay a writer moulds and massages, the soft soup with potential to solidify into sustenance for thought.

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  1. Well said… Couldn’t help but notice the interests you share in your bio read similar to my own. I like the term “growing planetary social responsibility”. That’s an appropriate way to put it.

    The one big difference in our trajectories, you’re an engineer… I am an architect. Jejeje.

    “A practical dreamer and student of nature, he creates to share, explores to lead, and lives to learn.”

    Again. Well stated. It always goes back to nature doesn’t it.

    Looking forward to reading more.

    • Thanks, Gianpaolo. 🙂 Engineers and architects share a common passion for building things and nature never stops being our ultimate teacher!

      I’m happy we’ve connected!

  2. Just spent a little time catching up on your blog. I especially liked the poignant story of the young widow a couple pf posts back. At that age we think nothing can happen to us or to our loved ones. Our lives are untouchable. But of course that is the folly of youth. Sometimes life changing things happen just as we enter adulthood and that shapes who we become. Thanks for some good reading this afternoon.

    • The preciousness and fragility of life is something we need to always keep in our minds. It helps us stay in the moment and appreciate all that we have.

      Thanks for reading, Galen!


  • Gianpaolo Pietri June 28, 2011