Learn to love thyself and all that is true will come to you.

Learn to love thyself and all that is true will come to you.

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  1. Last night I discovered that this very well might be THE most important positive affirmation! Thank you for your inspiration and energy.

  2. This is absolutely the most positive affirmation of any reality. That’s why it’s so difficult to do, if you’ve been doing the opposite all your life. A struggle, a constant struggle to let go of the deadly habit of self-hatred.

    • I’ve learned that self-hatred, like depression, is a black-hole that has no bottom, a downward spiral with no end. Loving yourself, on the other hand, is a bright upward spiral that has no end, like an infinitely rising sun or an endlessly blossoming flower. 🙂


  • @SayantanSen April 1, 2013
  • @BelowZerotoHero April 1, 2013
  • @Tal_Gur April 1, 2013