Not in my backyard!
There are 31 posts tagged Humor (this is page 2 of 2).
Paper vs Electronic Writing Material
You can backspace on a word processor. You can shake an etch-a-sketch. If you mess up on paper, you need new hardware. - Eberlin
Let CJ Move in Peace
CJ is now Packin' the P.O.D.!!
This picture is a bit old, and things were cleaner when CJ was moving.
MySQL Query for Free Time
SELECT * FROM life WHERE free_time > 0;
MySQL returned 1 row(s). (Query used the remaining 0.0001 seconds of your free time)
CJ is Moving
Bou Wedding Pictures Parody
I did a parody of Meera & Thea's wedding using the pictures the photographer released a few days ago. My favorite is the one above, but you have to see the picture after it to get the joke.
For those who didn't notice you could click on the picture, here is the full gallery.
Fun with Photo Booth Effects
I discovered I could make some pretty funny pictures using the iSight camera on my MacBook Pro and the effects that come with the Photo Booth application. Check out the entire gallery here. My favorite is number 15. 😀
Self portrait with an iSight
PayPal needs to insert the date!
PC vs Mac
Here is a very funny video Thea sent me the link to. It definitely describes many of the annoying things I discovered when I first started using a Mac.
I was laughing non-stop throughout the whole thing! 😀