After 9 months, George Demasse has finally been evicted. He owes me over $15,000, of which I have been told by both lawyers and the sheriff that I should forget about ever seeing again. If George has nothing of value, and no money in his bank accounts (I don't think he even has a bank account), there is no way for me to get the money back. I already spent $1800 to have him evicted, so I'd rather cut my losses and get the placed fixed up and rented.
The sheriff, Lawrence Hickey, was very helpful. After a couple days of pestering and yelling at George, he finally forced him to move all his stuff into the yard. Being the pathological liar George is, he kept telling Larry that a truck was coming to pick up all his stuff. Larry didn't care and told him to move all his stuff out of the house and into the driveway. He then locked and posted notices on the doors. Larry told me that every time he went into George's place, him and all his friends were so high on coke that they couldn't even walk straight; some of them were even passed out. He called them "hardcore drug users".
When I came home that evening from work, George was outside alone in the rain under a tree, watching to make sure no one stole his big pile of junk, which he had covered with a plastic tarp in attempt to keep out of the rain. The following day, he and the rest of his goons attempted to start the junk car that has been sitting in the driveway for over a year. I heard George saying "we'll be on the road in no time". The following day, the car was still there and him and his pile of junk were gone.
Now comes the task of cleaning out and repairing the apartment. All the trash in the picture below was in the yard and hallway:
You can see additional pictures of the yard, and inside the unit here.
Nice place. Glad he’s finally out of there so you can get the place fixed up and get that nightmare over. That place looks scarey to walk into. I noticed there were toys on top of a dresser, he had kids? If so, I feel sorry for them.
Looks like he left you some furniture. Anything worth keeping? My mom’s couch has the same pattern of flowers as his, but in much better shape.
There were a few things of value he left behind, but he stole my $200 20ft ladder. I had it chained to the fence and he cut the chain and took it with him when he left. Bastard.
There is some furniture left behind, but its mostly trashed. Besides, I’m afraid of touching it for fear that I will be poked by a needle hidden inside somewhere.
He had kids, but they stayed with their grandparents 90% of the time. I’m sure they are better off with them anyway.
Hunnie you spelled “lier” wrong, it should be “liar”. I know how you hate it when your grammar is incorrect.
Thank you!
You also spelled Ladder wrong not latter unless it was the latter ladder and not the first ladder then you just left out the word ladder, then it wasn’t a grammer mistake but a finger/brain mistake – which I hope it was the latter mistake and not the first latter mistake. got it?
LMAO! Fixed.
rofl, I liked the latter spelling 🙂
Crazy story, I can literally feel your pain. I guess it’s because of people like George that slumlording doesn’t pay.
I got to listen to plenty of great stories from my sister with their rented property.
-2 found dead – different homes, different times
-1 tentants dog shot/killed cause of barking
-found guy living in an empty garage, kicked him out.
Those are just a few
I feel safer already…
hey raamy,
That George guy is an asshole, with all those pictures with the holes and everything. Glad he out! Im sorry for that to happen to you.
Hey Srey,
I knew the responsibilities that came with being a landlord and I’ve accepted them. It just sucks that the Massachusetts laws are such that the tenants have more rights than the landlords.
I just found out today that I need to evict yet another tenant, in one of my other properties. I’ll write a post about it later today.