Creating stuff, even simple stuff, takes a persistent investment of time and energy. No wonder it's such a rare and valued activity.
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Creating stuff, even simple stuff, takes a persistent investment of time and energy. No wonder it's such a rare and valued activity.
Hi Raam. Thanks for all the work you do. I’m utilizing your template on my personal blog because I really like the layout and feel. I was wondering if you could help me out with one thing. I really like the commenting system you have here on your blog. I was wondering how it was setup? Would be great to hear.
Hi Gage, I’m not sure what you’re referring to by “commenting system”; I use the default WordPress commenting system. I also use a plugin called Subscribe to Comments Reloaded to allow comment subscriptions, but that’s it.
If you have any future questions regarding the Independent Publisher theme, please kindly post those on the Independent Publisher support forum and I’ll be sure to answer them. 🙂