I needed to rename a bunch of files for a customer at work the other day -- more than 60 files. The files were on a Linux system, so I knew there was an easy way of doing it. A few days ago I used perl to search and replace a piece of text in a several files , so I decided to find a way to do it with perl.
I found the following script on this site:
# Usage: rename perlexpr [files]
($regexp = shift @ARGV) || die "Usage: rename perlexpr [filenames]n";
if (!@ARGV) {
foreach $_ (@ARGV) {
$old_name = $_;
eval $regexp;
die $@ if $@;
rename($old_name, $_) unless $old_name eq $_;
After saving the script to a file called rename
(and chmod 755
'ing it) I was able to run the following command to change the file extension on all .JPG files from uppercase to lowercase .jpg. To search for all files underneath a particular directory, I used the find
command and piped it's output to the rename
find /home/customername/content/images/ | rename 's/JPG$/jpg/'
A few seconds later and all the files were renamed! This script is incredibly versatile, as you can pass it any regular expression! A few quirks I found were that you cannot reference the script; you must use it from the directory you stored it in (find / | ~/rename 's/JPG$/jpg/'
won't work). This is because the script uses itself (on line 17). This also means if you save the script as something other than rename
, you must also modify line 17 of the script.
I have been using this… pretty close to what you have been using, only you do not need to create the rename file:
find . -type f -exec perl -e ‘$new=$ARGV[0]; $new =~ s/myOLD_PATTERN/myNEW_PATTERN/; rename($ARGV[0],$new);’ {} ;
it uses perl, and perl’s rename.
watch out for special characters in the patterns (so a “.” should be a “.”
note: i hope this is still relevant to you, since i did not see a date on this post…
Thanks, Fawzi! This was written a few years ago, but I get traffic from Google all the time so I’m sure someone will find your tip helpful! 🙂
it’s been a while, but how about this?
renames directories (changes space to underscore):
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 rename -v ‘y/ /_/’
if you change “d” to “f” then renames files using the given pattern
Thanks for the tip, MeKkLOt! 🙂