HOWTO: Show the Full Path in Finder's Title

An annoying feature of the OS X Finder is that it doesn't show the full path of the folder you're currently browsing -- it only shows the name of the folder in the title. I like seeing the entire path of the folder because I do a lot of stuff from the command line, so as you can imagine I was thrilled to discover an easy fix to this problem.

Simply open the terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> and run the following command:

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES

You'll then need to restart Finder by either rebooting or running the killall Finder command. Now Finder will show the full path in the title!

Path in Finder's Title

If for some reason you want to revert back to seeing only the folder name (I can't imagine why you would), simply repeat the process and change YES to NO at the end of the command.

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    • You’re most welcome, Manish! I’m glad you found this helpful. 🙂

      (Yes, I’m only now catching up to all my site comments! Sorry for the delayed reply.)