One of the biggest lessons I learned in my 20s: Life speeds up the more you complain about it and slows down the more you enjoy it.
One of the biggest lessons I learned in my 20s: Life speeds up the more you complain about it and slows down the more you enjoy it.
Definately. Also, when I leave my confort zone and experience more of life, the extra mental activity seems to make things go extremely slowly. When I’m doing the same things, time zips by. I’m fairly sure it’s got to do with how much I’m learning, changing – these things are difficult (though more rewarding) and I feel more, experience more in the same time.
Maybe in some way our minds are capable of affecting time itself, or at least our individual relationship to it. The less we use our minds the more we give up control of time to nature and the faster time goes by. That might imply that we should use our minds as much as possible to maximize the slowing down of time, but is that really the ‘meaning of life’? Perhaps what’s more important than slowing down time is experiencing what happens when time slows down. In this sense, using our minds all the time isn’t nearly as important as using our hearts. 🙂
This is so true. That’s why gratitude is the key for prolonging your life across every sense.
Thank for for this.
You’re most welcome, Kevin. Gratitude is absolutely so important for prolonging life. The opposite of gratitude just welcomes negativity into our lives and negativity, in most forms, welcomes death.
This comment is so thought provoking. I’m the kind of person who chooses to see the bright side of absolutely everything that happens in my life. When I hit EVERY stop light known to man and end up being late, I often think to myself “Thank you, God, for watching out for me.” I guess I choose to see those stop lights as warning signs that I’ll get there when I’m supposed to and not a second sooner. Keeps me calm, I guess. On another note, it’s easy for us to chastise ourselves for our past and incessantly worry about what will happen in the future. What most don’t realize is that their missing out on right now. They’re not seeing the beautiful flower that randomly sprouted up between the cement cracks, the young couple in love, the man who held the door open for an elderly woman with full arms. It’s those moments of absolute beauty that most miss. And it’s those moments that I choose to look for and see each and everyday. I’m not rich, but I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here, Dayna! 🙂
One thing I heard recently that really resonated with me (and stuck with me) is that the past is a story. If the past is a story then the present is that story being written, the pen moving across the page, the fingers moving around a keyboard, the movie actors playing their act while the camera rolls. The thing that makes the present so fantastic is that the present has not yet been written — it’s being written, in motion and changing. That action is simultaneously writing the story of the past and influencing the unwritten story of the future. We’re constantly at the crux of it, constantly in between two worlds: the static world of the frozen past and the fluid world of the unwritten future.
To ignore the phenomenal fact of our presence in the present is to cast away all opportunity and waste a moment that will never return.