What would happen if the makers of popular cleaning chemicals modified their products in such a way so that the chemicals tasted, and smelled, just like food? What if bleach smelled, and tasted, like cotton candy? Activists and health organizations would go crazy. Children and pets who don't know any better would get sick and start dying from chemical ingestion. You're probably thinking, "What a crazy thing to even suggest!".
Well, lets see: scientific studies have shown that it's a scientific fact that soda, donuts, cheese burgers, and other unnatural and unhealthy so called "foods", will kill you over time. Yet the better tasting and more appealing the food companies make their "products", the more money they make! The foods are shown to eventually lead to obesity and death and yet it's totally legal and OK for them to market and sell them!
Did you know that the food companies aren't even required to run any kind of trials to test the safety of a new food or product? The foods available on the market today are more dangerous for you than the chemicals and drugs in a pharmacy! Ingredients in foods should be as carefully inspected as chemicals are in new drugs and overly unhealthy foods should be outlawed.
I saw a box of donuts this morning. I wasn't offered any, but that's because everyone already knows I'll simply smile and say "No thank you.", turning away with my feeling of health and motivation still 100% intact. Then I thought, "How much would I need to be paid to eat a single donut?" $10? $25? $50? $100? I finally settled on $150, no less. Call me crazy? Well that's what the extra one hour of intense running, required to burn those calories, is worth to me.
It costs me hours of strenuous physical work to burn extra calories, but it costs me nothing to reject unhealthy food. Thats the way I see it whenever I'm presented with an unhealthy choice.
Don't eat something unhealthy and then ask yourself 15 minutes later "Why did I eat that? It was so unhealthy for me!". Ask yourself "Do I want to eat this?" before you eat it. Create the habit of reading how many calories are in something BEFORE you put it in your mouth, not 10 minutes later.
Eat healthy and don't be a hypocrite. It's your body, and it's your life.
Good advise. Straightforward and direct. Specifically, those last 2 paragraphs. They should be part of everyone’s lifestyle. Time to buckle down with myself and cutback (and cutout) more and more on junk foods.
Goal: eliminate all junk foods and junk thoughts from my life. Junkies are never really happy people. Optimum physical and mental health can only be attained and maintained with wholesome foods and wholesome food for thought.
Stay inspired. OM
Talking about chemicals… Some old ppl and young kids have mistaken household chemicals as their juice and have drank them. The companies are making the chemicals in bright colors and with new effect energy names. Then as for the smell… I bet you they WILL provide fruit flavor smells so you WILL buy them… such as Citrus already.
But going along with the food thing above…. djt really need to follow your advice. I now have a 3 week old box of chocolate covered cherries. anyone?
wife came home from the store with 3 kinds of little debbie snacks, potato chips, whoppers, small candy bars, ice cream, ice cream bars and 2 different kinds of meat. She is getting better…. djt really need to learn to cook.
raam – How much would I need to be paid to eat a single donut?” $10? $25? $50? $100? I finally settled on $150, no less. Call me crazy?
LoL, I probably would have settled at around 20-30$ 🙂
DJT – “djt really need to learn to cook.”
bump, its as simple as looking at recipies online and following instructions. Being a computing guy i’m sure you can get hang of it.