Repetitive Immobility is Killing Me!

I've been stuck in what feels like a rut, an endless loop of procrastination, confusion, and indecisiveness. If it sounds very much unlike me that's because it is. Perhaps it is so unfamiliar to me that I feel stuck and have a constant desire for change.

I crave the outdoors and yet I spend my days in the office, my evenings in a basement apartment with very little natural light and no ability to see the sky, and my weekends working inside on my rental properties or driving in the car. When I'm indoors I feel compelled to be sitting at my computer, whether for work or entertainment, because I refuse to hook up a television and although I have plenty of gym equipment, I've been finding it difficult to be motivated when I'm in a gloomy basement and the weather is beautiful outside.

I've been thinking seriously about finding a new apartment, one above ground and with plenty of windows, hoping that maybe that is what I need to satisfy my desire for natural light. But is that what I really need? I'm already 1 month behind on a house payment and I'm struggling to pay even the rent at my current apartment. Credit cards are already maxed with purchases from rental apartment repairs and the bills for everything else are slowly stacking up.

The constant repetitiveness of my daily routine of sitting in a chair, whether while work, at home, or while driving, is having an extreme negative effect on my posture and muscles. What amount of stretching and exercise can counter 12 hours of sitting in a chair if I plan to get 6 hours of sleep and spend 4 hours doing other daily activities? How can 2 hours of exercise and stretching counter 18 hours of near immobility?

I've been sitting outside on a public sidewalk bench typing this entire post on my Blackberry. I had to get outside, regardless of what I was going to do outside, I just needed to get out. I can think more clearly when I'm outside. Maybe I should start a time journal to keep track of exactly where all my time goes. Then after one month review the journal and look for patterns of wasted or ill spent time and change them.

I need to start, no... I'm going to start some type of daily, outdoor activity; preferably one physical enough to be called exercise. I'm also going to get back on my three day a week lifting routine.

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  1. Sounds like I’m going through the same thing you are at the moment.

    As much as I depend on my computer for work and entertainment, I would love to unplug it for 1 month and see how I can enjoy LIFE without it again. Then maybe I can work it back in slowly and not make it a nessessity in my life.

  2. Yes, but thats rather difficult when you depend on the computer to make a living. The solution is to change how you make a living and if that means making less money (and therefore living a simpler lifestyle) then fine! Health and wellbeing are worth a lot more than whatever you can buy with money!

  3. True…. I just wish I would have thought about this more a few years back and not right now. 🙁 Or at least let me use it at work, but not be dependent on it at home, except for a hour to Wolf every now and then 😀 , and to work on my own stuff

    At this time, I’m not taking any new website jobs. If I could find someone to do a few for me, it would help. At least thanks to my wife, I don’t work on websites over the weekend. That’s one deal I made with her.

  4. You should ride your bike around the Boston’s Area. You’ll be surprise how much history there is in Boston. I think it would be fun exploring the area where you live. You can also turn it into a hobby. When you go exploring, take your camera with you and take different pictures. =)

  5. Nana talking to Raam or me 😀 – there’s a ton of history here in town. Back in the 1900 – 1930’s Auburn, Indiana was called Little Detroit.

    But me ride a bike??? Last time I did that I was saddle sore for 1 week.

    But tonight after getting home from a local museum, I saw clouds on my mile walk 😀 It was beautiful. I’d like to visit MA sometime. Have another car nut friend that lives close to Lowell.